Wednesday 6 December 2017

5 tricks for content marketing in 2018

When it comes to marketing, it is essential that as a professional you stay up-to-date with the various trends currently circulating, and those yet to come. With that said, the following are five hacks for content marketing in 2018:

1. Making sure that you truly know your target market

Even though this may sound obvious to some managers, there are still a significant number of companies, which work with assumptions when it comes to defining their market audience.
With 2018 just around the corner, it will be essential that you sieve through big data in order to know who your target market is.
In addition, social media, which hosts potential clients’ persona profiles, together with CRM data, can prove highly beneficial when it comes to defining what your target market, and how best you can approach them.

2. Doing more in terms of retargeting

When it comes to effective marketing, the fact of the matter is that not even the best persona scoping and targeting strategy will be able to convert everybody.

This is why retargeting, particularly on social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter has become so important. Through tools such as custom audience segmenting and exclusions, you will not only be able to save money on ads, but also increase your chances of converting leads from those who see the ads that go live.

3. Apply SEO

It is good that you make use of words that your target market will most likely come across when doing their search will make your company more visible online, especially localized terms. You can add them in your Meta titles, headlines, URLs, and such other items.
Another standard rule is that any content you write must appear as though it is directly addressing questions that may be typed on search engines such as Google. To see some samples of such queries, you can use premium tools like Isigraph and tinysuggest.

Also remember to go for long-tail keywords, particularly now in the face of increased adoption of voice search tools like Siri and Google Now.

4. Mobile-friendly

Any content you put out there needs to be mobile-friendly, especially when you consider the fact that Google algorithms now prioritize mobile-optimized websites.

Despite what some marketers may think, this is not such a hard task. Aside from the technical aspects, one can simply apply short-form content, tighter copies, shorter headlines, or portrait images just to name a few, to help make their sit more mobile-friendly.

In addition, since mobile devices lack CPUs like desktops, you should be keen on the loading time of your website so as not to drive away potential customers.

5. Make use of video

In today’s market, videos play an integral role when it comes to marketing campaigns. In fact, a significant number of consumers tend to lose interest when a company fails to use videos on their various advertising platforms. As a result, to be more effective in reaching your market audience, you should make an appropriate budget for creating practical, informative, and interesting videos that audiences can appreciate and relate to.

With that said, Instagram is your safest bet when it comes to delivering videos to a large audience, in a short period, and in an effective manner.


from London SEO Services

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