Thursday 31 January 2019

Different ways big data is pushing the public sector forward

Big data is a term that we no longer hear as often as we used to. The jargon is being replaced by new ones like data-driven and blockchain.

While the term isn’t as popular as it was, the concept of big data remains one of the biggest leaps made in technology and computing.

Big data allows a vast amount of data to be analysed and used in an effective and contextual manner. Using cloud computing as the underlying technology, big data enables a deeper understanding of insights and effective creation of approaches and solutions. So, in what way will big data affect the public sector?

Better Understanding of Customers

One of the ways big data was used almost as soon as it was made available was for understanding the consumers better. There is a lot of data and data sources to utilise when it comes to understanding consumers of a service, but we never had the ability to fully utilise them until big data analysis came along.

By leveraging cloud computing, you can now gain insights about the consumers by pulling data from social media, ecommerce platforms, and various other sources. Surveys and app tracking are used to understand user behaviours on a more personal level.

There is also information derived from conversations. Whenever people make a mention about a particular service, the insights about their conversations are added to the data pool. The result is more comprehensive knowledge that is indeed handy for internal purposes.

Measuring Value

We mentioned how big data analysis can pull data from conversations happening on the internet. With the addition of Artificial Intelligence and complex algorithms, it is possible for government and the public sectors to not only reduce IT costs through automation but process any incoming data with a high degree of accuracy and speed.

This type of analysis benefits from the use of multi-cloud environment. Every cloud environment has its own set of tools and features, and they come with their own advantages. Azure, for instance, has an integrated AI that can be used for analytics and data processing.

Multi cloud services certainly push how we use cloud computing to a whole new level, and companies like UKCloud are leading the change. In the case of UKCloud, they are a step ahead in integrating the key capabilities of Azure, Oracle, VMware, and other cloud platforms for numerous purposes.

Price Optimisation

Let’s not forget that big data is also supported by the cloud’s ability to perform complex calculations instantly.

The computing power of a cloud cluster, combined with relevant data and insights from various sources, could lead to advanced analysis about the success or failures of a service and help improve various elements within an organisation in the public sector.

As we have touched on, the most obvious implementation of this approach is data-driven optimisation of a service. An organisation’s service can be fine-tuned from the management of human resources, to changing digital aspects that are not functioning as they should be.

Based on the understanding of the consumers, statistical analysis of the sector, and any concrete objectives, big data can be leveraged for the benefit for the services that we see in many different bodies within the public sector.

We are only seeing the beginning of big data use, and the possibilities are endless. Experts are already seeing big data being used for marketing optimisation, customer experience personalisation, and other advanced purposes.

With AI also improving on an astronomical scale, don’t be surprised to find more efficient services with greater results being made entirely out of relevant data and deep, complex analysis in the future.

The post Different ways big data is pushing the public sector forward appeared first on TheMarketingblog.

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